Harry Potter Pumpkin Juice from Scratch Recipe

When I read Harry Potter book, I always wonder what is the food in Harry Potter world taste like. Chocolate frog, pumpkin juice, etc... Most of it, pumpkin juice may be the easiest from all that I can made.

Pumpkin is very good for your health, since it contains betacarotene, the orange pigment, which is the precursor of Vitamin A. So, if you drink this kind of juice, it is very good for your health. Some people I know also mentioned that pumpkin is very good for your brain, but I do not search what is the active compound that responsible for that. The point is, pumpkin is good for you! :)

Difficulty: Hard (if you made from scratch like me), Easy (if you can find premade pumpkin filling/ pumpkin puree)

Recipe (for 3 servings: Harry, Hermione, Ron)
2 cups of pumpkin puree (or half small sweet pumpkin)
2 cups of water
4 cups apple juice
Spices of your choice (adjust to your taste and liking), I used 1 clove, some grated nutmeg and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

Blend all the ingredients together!
Enjoy the drink!

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