When does pumpkin pie baking season begin in your home?

When do you start making pumpkin pies?
On September 2, 2012, we asked the question: When does pumpkin pie baking season begin in your home?

Here are the results so far:

Clearly, we like baking pumpkin pie ANYTIME at least 2 to 1 over our next favorite starting point... October 1!  Rest assured, many ovens will be baking pumpkin pies next week, too.  With early harvest happening and pumpkin patches beginning to open... how can we resist?

You can still add your vote on see the latest progress of the votes the live survey at http://www.facebook.com/PumpkinPatchTV.  Go to September 2, 2012 on the timeline to find the survey.

Visit our Pumpkin Pies board on Pinterest:

Whenever you start, happy baking!  We hope you will share your pics with us... either post on our wall or tag Pumpkin Patch on the picture.

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